
Jan 14, 2013

Against religious expressions in public schools...

...of course, only if they are someone ELSE'S religious expression.

"They were being taught to thank the sun for their lives and the warmth that it brought, the life that it brought to the earth and they were told to do that right before they did their sun salutation exercises," she says.
Those looked like religious teachings to her, so she opted to keep her son out of the classes. The more Eady reads about the Jois Foundation and its founders' beliefs in the spiritual benefits of Ashtanga yoga, the more she's convinced that the poses and meditation can't be separated from their Hindu roots.
"It's stated in the curriculum that it's meant to shape the way that they view the world, it's meant to shape the way that they make life decisions," Eady says. "It's meant to shape the way that they regulate their emotions and the way that they view themselves."
Eady is part of a group of parents working with Dean Broyles, president and chief counsel of the Escondido-based National Center for Law and Policy.

Wait, you mean THIS National Center for Law and Policy?
The National Center for Law & Policy (NCLP) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) legal defense organization which focuses on the protection and promotion of religious freedom, the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, parental rights, and other civil liberties. The National Center for Law and Policy engages in constitutional litigation in state and federal courts. The National Center is also active in the areas of public policy and education.

Protecting the promotion of religious freedom? The second that someone ELSE'S religious freedom is even thought of being promoted, they get their panties in a twist and rally the rabble-rousers to sign petitions to get the yoga class out of the curriculum.

This statement from an institution that actively attempts to hoist their religious beliefs on everyone else in the US without a second of even hinting at a hint of irony.

Of course, contrast this with the actual head of the yoga class, sponsored by The Jois Foundation. Here is their evil, anti-Christian, horribly pro-Hindu agenda:
The Jois Foundation, with the University of San Diego & the University of Virginia, is measuring the results that yoga has on school children. This is done with the purpose of bringing Health & Wellness into the forefront of our education system: healthier children, improved educational performance, better quality of life, investing in our future!
The BASTARDS! Healthier children!? Improved educational performance?? The NERVE!

But what about all of those zealots on the payroll, like Jois Foundation Director Eugene Ruffin? I mean, he's there, trying to foist his religious agenda onto the students! For years and years, he has been a practicing Catholic...

Wait... Catholic?

I guess he knows how President Obama feels now, being painted as a religious zealot for a religion he doesn't even belong to.

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