Before I start on my rant, I do
want to say that I admire and respect those who took the initiative to
take on such a major venture that is, in my opinion, a historic turning
It is a necessary and important step.
It is a necessary and important step.
Kudos to them, even if I don’t agree with the name of the party.
I expect that the name of this new American Political Party (not the
creation of it) may be controversial amongst atheists for various
As soon as I read the email announcing this new development at least one of those reasons crossed my mind as well.
Why call oneself an “atheist” party? I don’t get it.
Atheism is nothing more or less than a lack of belief in gods. There is no doctrine or belief system associated with atheism.
Not that I haven’t had numerous spats with atheists who would claim otherwise, but frankly their claims are easily refuted because they fly in the face of reality and sometimes include a rather narrow minded and bigoted approach to what they consider to be an atheist.
folks, New Agers who don’t hold god beliefs are atheists whether we
like it or not or whether we agree with them or not. Certain forms of
the Buddhist religion are also atheistic. So, even religions can be
are, on the other hand, atheistic belief systems which currently exist
and which are advocated and supported by many (not all) atheists.
Belief systems like the FreeThinkers and the Humanists.
So, why not call themselves the FreeThinkers and Humanist Party or the Secularist Party?
Here’s their explanation:
We are the “atheist” party for several reasons.
The founders of the party (Troy Boyle and Mark Smith) are atheists.
We know that there is a bad connotation to the word, and we want to reclaim the word and make it a positive connotation. Much like the African-American activists of the 50s did with “negro.” They don’t use it now, but it was a necessary first step.
Humanist and Secularist are terms that the public doesn’t understand very well.
Religious people do not call secularists, secularists. They call secularists “atheists.” So you are one whether you want to claim the label or not. When 80% of the population calls you an atheist, you should own up to it and depower them, not scurry to find some other less castigated term, in the hopes of escaping the stigma. As far as Christianity and all other Abrahamic faiths are concerned, Atheists, Humanists, Secularists, Pantheists and Pagans are all going to Hell.
while I understand the sentiment, I disagree that these are good
reasons to attribute a political philosophy to the term atheism.
And here’s why.
because theists don’t understand what a Secularist, FreeThinker, or
Humanist is and just because theists think that all Secularists,
FreeThinkers and Humanists are atheists doesn’t mean that we should
pander to their ignorance. This would be the perfect opportunity to
educate them.
since they’re the National Atheist Party they are then going to include
and represent all atheists including New Agers and those Buddhist and
other religions which are atheistic as well as atheists who are
politically in the left, right, middle, libertarian, etc.
Apparently not. (And I agree that it would be impossible to do)
From their web site:
The National Atheist Party is open to people of all races, sexes and sexual orientations, and cultures. We are committed to a government free of superstition and bias and are guided by principles of equal opportunity, recognition of merit, and economic responsibility.
So, since they want a government free of superstition, the New Agers, Buddhists and Jains are on the outs here.
a problem for me since I also want a government free of superstition.
However, it does mean that they aren’t representing all atheists.
From their web site:
The National Atheist Party is a diverse, all inclusive, progressive, secular political movement and a response to the lack of representation for all free thinking people who are legal, law abiding citizens of the United States.
they identify themselves as representing “free thinking” people, so now
we have another exclusion. Atheists who are not FreeThinkers are
apparently not included. Are FreeThinker theists included? (Yes they
not a problem for me since I’m a FreeThinker and an atheist. However,
as I stated before, it does mean that they aren’t representing all
atheists or all FreeThinkers.
National Atheist Party is only representing the political viewpoints of
the current members of the NAP and their existing policy is based on
their political viewpoints. This, of course, effectively excludes those
atheists who hold different viewpoints.
I agree with most of what they say and while a democratically based
policy is (or should be) standard practice in any political party and a
good thing generally speaking, it does mean that they are not
representing all atheists and may not even be representing the majority
of atheists.
And, lastly from their web site:
We support the separation of church and state, and seek to ensure its strictest interpretation.
last point is probably the only point that I can see all atheists (and
many theists) agreeing on so if this was the only plank in the platform
the argument could be made that they are representing all atheists who
believe in secularism. In this case, the name National Atheist Party
might work.
just to be clear. I’m not saying that atheists shouldn’t organize.
Atheist Nexus represents such an organization and I support them
am saying that a political party can’t represent all atheists because
we come from way too broad a spectrum of belief systems and the name,
National Atheist Party, implies such representation.
we could really use, and not just in the US, are Political Action
Committee Lobby groups around the world which defend the rights of all
atheists everywhere. Particularly in countries where atheists are
oppressed and threatened with death or imprisonment for their beliefs
like Islamic Theocracies.
of this said, I do actually understand why the Americans would come up
with such a political party given the religious extremism that is thrown
in their face daily.
I’m not unsympathetic to this move. I just think it would have been
better to do it differently or at least give the party a different name.
Call the party, The American Secularist Party or The Secularist FreeThinkers Party and start an AAPAC (American Atheist Political Action Committee).
AAPAC would accomplish everything the founders of the National Atheist
Party want including taking back the word atheist and giving it a
positive connotation.
The name of the political party would be more representative of what it actually is.
Just some thoughts.
I still wish them well though and they’ll certainly get my public support despite my disagreement with their name. And if I was an American I'd probably join.
Best wishes to them.
First hand experience led me to join, contribute, and quit in a matter of three days.
The founders are accomodationists and are clear in their goals. They are pretty much the same as that of the Democrats, and they want theists to join them, so no bashing of theism of any kind.
They simply want "for atheists to have a voice", but they will not be putting up billboards denouncing religion, nor do they want anyone to do so. The NAP will not associate with anyone that does that, although its members are free to be activists.
Assholes did not even have the courtesy to respond to a request for refund.
As you note Religious people do not call secularists, secularists. They call secularists “atheists.” So you are one whether you want to claim the label or not. When 80% of the population calls you an atheist, you should own up to it and depower them, not scurry to find some other less castigated term, in the hopes of escaping the stigma.
See, they kowtow to the theists. It does not occur to them that 80% of the population hates atheists and doing something to placate them and alienate atheists will turn people like me off.
Fucking assholes, I hope better movement more representatives of atheists come along. They'll have to, these idiots are not it
Well, if the statements posted here:
are true, then atheists appear to be more highly moral than I ever knew; most likely, most people don't know this.
That message would very good to get out in the public square, no matter how.
That said, I appreciate your points.
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